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Promoting Halal Tourism in Tanzania

Published on Sun - 1st Apr 2018


Tanzania is one of best places to visit for an all-round halal friendly African experience. From some of the best wildlife expeditions to picture perfect beaches in Zanzibar and hiking on our breathtaking mountains, Tanzania is an east African destination that worth a visit.
Halal Tanzania has declared their goal is to use its potential for halal tourism to turn its nascent travel industry into a force that can help push the country out of the economic doldrums. Tanzania is rich of tourism attractions and destinations that are ample for Muslims such as Zanzibar, kilwa, Bagamoyo and the forth.

With our main objective being turning halal tourism into a brand for Tanzania travel and tourism industry. Halal Tanzania team have had sessions discussing and brainstorming ideas on how to make that happen.

To do that, Halal Tanzania has been dedicated to define halal tourism and what it should entail, and study the marketing tactics used by other countries to determine the best way to turn halal tourism into a brand for Tanzania.

The main issue is awareness. Maybe because we think we already have major destinations and attractions, thatā€™s all, there are a lot of things to be promoted, branded or conveyed to the market target. As Halal tourism weā€™re trying to raise awareness of this industry through various ways such as online presence with websites and blogs, social Medias and different articles.

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